Zion Baptist Church Community Empowerment

First Adult Literacy Graduation

The Zion Baptist Church provides leadership and support to over 200 first generation Baptist churches in Kajiado County, Kenya. The community empowerment projects completed by SDF have proven to be an inspiration and a resource to these churches. The community library has been used as the classroom for adult literacy. The community garden has been replanted and is continuing to thrive and provide nutritious food to the ECD school and local families. In 2023 SDF will provide a World Possible RACHEL (hotspot / server), LCD projector, laptop computer, AC power and 40 tablet PC’s for the ECD school and adult literacy programs. Additional work will include a pilot hay farm and hydroponic sprouted grain fodder facility. Both of these project are intended to demonstrate alternative methods to feed livestock during the dry season.

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Osewan Village, Sustainable Resource Center (SRC), Kajiado County, Kenya

Oloolarroi ECD School Classroom

Phase 1 SRC Water Project

Maranatha Chapel School - Temporary Classroom

Pastor Tobias Aucuban - Boy Solider

Oloolaroi village and school sustainable resource center (SRC), Kajiado county, kenya

School children’s attempt to construct a chicken coop.

The Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) has partnered with the Rotary Clubs of Western Henrico and Kitengela to construct a multi-phased community empowerment project that will address, water, sanitation, basic education and literacy (BEL), community economic development and numerous environmental sustainability issues. Phase 1 of the the SRC will consist of a solar powered borehole serving a 20k Liter elevated storage tank, provisions for phase 2 water needs, livestock watering troughs, water distribution kiosks, cloth washing area and lines, a BEL village intranet (VI) serving up an instance of the World Possible RACHEL eLearning library (the VI will share the AC power for the borehole pump and electrified security fence) and a stabilized compressed earth block micro-business with a 20k block order for Phase 2 structures.  The SRC concept serves as a planning tool to help leverage the investment in water infrastructures so as to maximize its impact to village and improve their standard of living and be more climate change resiliency.  The VI will serve the Osewan ECD school and the Phase 2 (2024) scope will include a Resource Training Center for adult literacy, year-round children education and regenerative agriculture training. 

Maranatha Chapel Sustainable Resource Center (SRC), Pageri, South Sudan

South Sudan is the youngest nation in the world at 10 years old. Youth is normally associated with optimism, vitality and growth. Unfortunately for South Sudan, a majority of these years have been terrible because of the civil war. Today, 2.3 million South Sudanese live in refugee camps in Ethiopia, DRC, Uganda and Kenya with another 2.0 million being displaced and in need of assistance.  Of major note - 50% of the refugees and displaced are children!

Recently there is good news. Stability and tranquility have returned and the South Sudanese living in the refugee camps now desire to return home. Those willing to return home worry about many of the basic necessities of living; housing, food, clean water, and basic skillsets to earn a living. SDF is partnering with the Armor of God Community Based Organization (CBO) and the Maranatha Chapel located in Pageri to create a Sustainable Resource Center (SRC). SDF’s main goal will be to provide refugee assistance, education and vocational training and economic development.

SDF is currently supporting reconstruction of school buildings and funding for teacher salaries. Pastor Tobias Abuchan, Maranatha Chapel pastor and a former child soldier, is leading the effort to reintegrate and train refugees.  Pastor Tobias has a vision to use the vandalized church building to become a center for discipleship and vocational-skill development.  The returning refugees will have the opportunity to be trained with hand-on skills like carpentry, welding, block molding, brick laying, and tailoring.  Additionally, and most importantly, they will receive biblical discipleship throughout the period of their training.

SDF’s goal is to construct Phase 1 of the SRC mid 2024.

The Oloolarroi village and school is located on the Tanzania border between Namanga and the Amboseli National Game Reserve. The school serves 229 children and provides early education (ECD), primary and secondary education. The school is unable to provide the Kenya school competency based curriculum (CBC) required farming education due to a lack of water. Currently water must be purchased from a private borehole or is trucked in from Namanga. Due to the extreme drought that southern Kenya has experienced for 3 years, the school provided lunch is the only meal many of the children can count on. SDF is furnishing (2) demonstration rocket stoves for the school kitchen to reduce the wood consumption and teach the children about forest conservation and the importance of trees

SDF is assisting the school by providing a World Possible RACHEL (hotspot / server) to improve the school’s ability to provide eLearning. In 2024 SDF is planning to construct the first Phase of a sustainability resource center which will include a water project, urine diverting dry toilets (UDDT) for the total school population, and a small regenerative farm comprised of a greenhouse, gardens, small scale poultry, swine and dairy operation. A tree planting day will also be sponsored for the school grounds and require each child to nurture their own tree.